
Law # 9708 authorizing the Costa Rican Government to issue international bonds for up to US$1.5 billion was published on July 24, 2019 in the official bulletin “La Gaceta.” The law spells out several rules

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Several legal reforms are pending approval in the Costa Rican Congress as part of the process of the country’s accession to the OECD, including amendments to competition laws aimed at strengthening competition authorities and improving

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Our partner Alan Thompson attended the 5th Central America Finance & Investment Forum, organized by Latin Finance and sponsored by BAC Credomatic and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration. The event took place today

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Law # 9689 amending Costa Rica’s Free Zone Law was published today in the official bulletin “La Gaceta.” The purpose of this amendment is to adapt rules governing free zone services companies to the OECD/G20

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A presentation titled “The arbitral process under the new arbitration regulations of the Chamber of Commerce Conciliation and Arbitration Center” was held today at the Chamber of Commerce in San José. BTA Legal co sponsored

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International arbitration in the last decade: lessons, tendencies and challenges. These topics will be addressed at the International Arbitration Congress organized by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – Costa Rica, which is taking place

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The Costa Rican Finance Ministry announced today it is delaying until September of this year the launching of a new central register of shareholders and beneficial owners, which was supposed to start functioning in March.

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Our partner Alberto Fernández-López was today appointed to the roster of expert arbitrators of the Ibero-American Arbitration Center (CIAR), based in Madrid.

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Regulation SUGEF 11-18, approved by the National Council for the Supervision of the Financial System and effective as of January 1st of this year, sets new registration and reporting requirements for Designated Non-Financial Businesses and

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