
We would like to extend an invitation to attend the National Construction Conference, which is being held on November 8th, 2023, at the auditorium hall of the Costa Rica Bar Association in San José. BTA

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Our partner Alberto Fernández López will participate as a panelist at the III International Congress “Arbitration, Public Procurement and Dispute Resolution Board” organized by the International Center for Arbitration, Dispute Resolution & Dispute Board (CIARD).

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Chambers Latin America 2024 recognizes our partner, Alan Thompson, as one of the top lawyers in the field of Competition/Antitrust in Costa Rica. According to the publication: “Head of department at BTA Legal, Alan Thompson

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Chambers Latin America 2024 recognizes our partner, Alberto Fernández López, as one of the “Most in Demand Arbitrators” in Costa Rica. According to the publication: “BTA Legal’s head of department Alberto Fernández Lopez is highly

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We share an article published in last week’s edition of the weekly journal “El Financiero”, in which our partner Alan Thompson examines the legal treatment of agreements and exchanges of information between competitors in Costa

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We would like to extend an invitation to attend the II National Commercial Arbitration and Conciliation Congress: After 25 years of the ADR law. It will be held at the Catholic University of Costa Rica

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Draft guidelines on the calculation of the amount of fines for competition law violations in the telecom sector were submitted for public consultation until June 30th by the Costa Rican Telecom Superintendence (Sutel). The objective

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The latest edition of “El Foro”, a law review published by the Costa Rican Bar Association, includes a “Handbook on Commercial Arbitration”, which our partner Alberto Fernández López coauthored. The publication is available here. Link

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We share an article published in last week’s edition of El Financiero by our partner, Alan Thompson, in which he analyzes the reasons behind bank rescues and how Costa Rican law deals with this complex

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