Under Costa Rican law, the competition commission (COPROCOM) must be notified of mergers above certain thresholds prior to execution of the transaction. In regulations submitted for public consultation until January 13th, 2023, the COPROCOM is proposing updated merger control filing fees of CR₡4.513.268 (approx. US$7,500.) for phase 1 review and CR₡9.026.535 (approx. US$15,000) for phase 2 review of merger notifications. The proposed flat fees do not take turnover or assets involved in the transaction into account. Mergers in the telecom sector are not subject to thresholds and must be always notified to the telecom superintendence (SUTEL), which is the competition authority for the telecom sector. The proposed COPROCOM regulations are available here (beginning on page 87): https://link.btalegal.com/erc